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I love politicians.” Matt Barnes isn’t joking when he says it. The unofficial pastor for the Indiana General Assembly and state government may be in a minority these days. Who else loves politicians?
Yet Barnes claims divine sanction. “God loves people,” he explains. “Politicians are people. God loves politicians. So I do too.”
For some members of the Indiana Legislature, Barnes has become an informal pastor, leading Bible studies and providing a trusted ear in pastoral matters.
To churches around the state, Barnes has become an advocate of prayer for government. As he preaches or teaches as a guest, he reminds churches of the apostle Paul’s admonition to pray for all who are in authority. “I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
Sometimes Barnes has some fun training pastors in how to love politicians. Arranging for a large group of them to give Bibles to members of the General Assembly last year, he led them in a unison chant: “I love politicians.”
Working to his advantage in his growing personal ministry in government is the fact that he has no political axe to grind. “He stays away from political issues and focuses on the personal needs of each legislator,” says state Sen. Scott Schneider, an Indianapolis Republican. “He’s not a lobbyist or a public policy advocate.”
Freshman Sen. Jim Banks, a northeast Indiana Republican, notes a rare trait in Barnes. “In politics there are always walls. You don’t know who to trust. You’re cautious about what you talk about,” he says. “Matt’s taken politics out of it. He brings a non-threatening approach because he is genuine.”
Barnes has no official office or government appointment. The son of a southern Indiana pastor, Barnes was working at Home Depot in 2004 when he was 27. He also was assisting his father in pastoral ministry. He and his wife Miriam have three young children.
He volunteered to lead a ministry of prayer for state government. Sen. Dennis Kruse and former Secretary of State Ed Simcox led an informal Bible study for legislators but realized that Barnes could boost their part-time efforts.
“People used to come to me and ask me to pray for them,” Kruse recalled. “He now has churches and people helping him. He can activate 100 people to pray.”
When he first met Barnes, Simcox wondered if Barnes was too good to be true. “I was a bit suspicious—what’s Matt’s deal? Who sent him?” he said. “Matt showed himself to be very authentic. What he said was what he turned out to be. He didn’t come in with any political agenda. He came in wanting to be a servant.”
Barnes looks beyond party labels. “He’s very genuine,” says Rep. Peggy Welch, a Democrat from Bloomington. “He keeps confidences. He’s not asking for anything. The Lord has opened doors for him because of his humble spirit.”
His financial support comes from churches and individuals, not the state government. After several years in the ministry, he helped organize the Capitol Commission, a national organization of ministers active in state legislatures.
He also has become an answer to prayer at Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) Reformed Presbyterian Church, where we have prayed for government officials for a number of years, in response to Scripture and as an application of the doctrine of Christ’s kingship over church and state. “Matt has a real spirit of caring in him,” says Second RP pastor Rich Johnston. He has a pastoral heart. He really believes in the power of prayer. What he is calling for is a conviction, not just a method. He believes that the Bible tells us to do something that the church doesn’t take seriously enough—to pray for those in authority.”
Barnes stays out of church-state controversy partly because no one objects to a spiritual Good Samaritan. He also doesn’t want government financial support because Christians should pray for government in response to divine command, not for financial reward.
He also sets a good biblical example of church-state cooperation for larger public purposes, in the spirit of Jeremiah 29:7, when Jeremiah instructed the Israelis in exile to seek the welfare of a pagan land. Church-state conflicts tend to attract more headlines, but the church and state can help each other when they follow their biblical assignments and respect their distinct yet not necessarily separate purposes and spheres.
Citizens don’t have to love their politicians, but they should pray for them. Some love and an occasional word of encouragement would be welcome as well, following the pastoral example of Matt Barnes.
—Russ Pulliam
Russ Pulliam is associate editor of the Indianapolis Star and is a contributing editor for the Witness.