Pastor David Karoon of the RP Church of Scotland led this morning’s devotions. His topic was “The Path of Suffering” from Isaiah 53. He drew attention to the shocking violence of the passage—toward the suffering servant of God. The vicariousness is shocking–one person suffering for many. The voluntariness is shocking—He went willingly, without objection. If forgiveness involves suffering for us as sinful humans, how much suffering must the perfect Son of God have experienced in providing for our forgiveness? “The path of Christian discipleship is the path of suffering,” he said.
As the day’s business began, the RPCNA Pension Trustees gave a reminder to ministers about the real and hidden costs for those who opt out of Social Security and therefore also must pay for Medicare. The Trustees provided counsel for those managing their pension assets.
The RPCNA Trustees of Synod and Synod’s Finance Committee gave thanks for the generosity of ...