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Older Than the State of Iowa

Congregation of the Month: Sharon RPC

   | Columns, Congregation of the Month | March 05, 2007

Sharon RPC

Location:Morning Sun, Iowa


Organization:Sept. 26, 1846

Membership:70 communicant; 13 baptized

Pastor:Ronald Good


The saga of the Sharon RPC reaches beyond her organizational date. It touches Ireland and immigration to America. In the spring of 1840, the first Sharon families arrived in the Iowa Territory from Philadelphia. The church is older than the state itself. Originally it was known as “Linn Grove and Cedar” and became Sharon in 1854. There were 17 charter members, and a meeting house was erected in 1853. The present building was constructed in 1863 and has been remodeled a number of times.

James McDonald was the first pastor, serving for 21 years. Since organizing, only 12 pastors have served this congregation. During the first 125 years, literally hundreds of people coming west became ...