Christian and Humanitarian Groups Raise Voice for Darfur
More than 100 faith-based humanitarian and human rights groups have joined together to call for the United States to take action to stop the genocide by government-sponsored militias in Darfur, Sudan.
The Save Darfur Coalition, representing 130 million Americans, met with members of Congress on Sept. 21, asking for this to become the nation’s top priority.
“We told senators and Deputy Secretary of State Zoellick when we met with them that, as the world’s most powerful country, the United States has a moral duty to lead the world to stop the slaughter of innocent civilians in Darfur,” said Rev. Richard Cizik, vice president of government affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals.
According to recent reports by the World Food Program, the United Nations, and Coalition for International Justice, 3.5 million people are now hungry, 2.5 million have been displaced ...