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March 2017 Prayer Calendar

Prayer Calendar for March 2017

   | Columns, Prayer Calendar | January 25, 2017

March 1. Pray that Christ would be glorified and proclaimed publicly by each believer in Hudson/St. Lazare, Quebec, RPC.

March 2. Give thanks for the number of internationals who are worshiping with Bloomington, Ind., RPC regularly. Please pray that members would be faithful to minister to all those whom the Lord brings to them.

March 3. Praise God for the two new baptized members of Washington, Iowa, RPC: Gabriel Falk and Martin Drost.

March 4. Please pray for the Ridgefield Park, N.J., RPC’s annual congregational meeting this evening. Join them in thanking God for His blessings of resources so that they can address the physical and spiritual needs of their people and community.

March 5. Pray for the covenant children of Trinity Reformed (Wichita, Kan.) RPC as their parents and teachers in the church bring them up in the knowledge and discipline of the Lord.

March 6. Pray that God would bring visitors from the community and enable the Walton, N.Y., RPC congregation to welcome and serve them well.

March 7. Give thanks for Ruling Elder Scott Hunt of the Marion, Ind., RPC joining the Belle Center, Ohio, RPC session provisionally. Please pray for renewed health for local Ruling Elder Larry Bump and pray that God would bring at least one other local man onto that session.

March 8. Pray that Jeff Wallace of Oswego, N.Y., RPC would have fruitful work in his online studies at RPTS.

March 9. Pray for those in Russell, Ont., RPC who have the task of caring for loved ones such as aging parents or children.

March 10. Pray for the annual RP Seminary support dinner to be held this evening. Thank God for the faithful supporters of the seminary and for God’s goodness to RPTS for 207 years.

March 11. Pray for the many Air Force pilots from the Enid Reformed (Enid, Okla.) RPC who are now serving their country and serving Jesus all over the world.

March 12. Pray that Clarinda, Iowa, RPC would see people come to faith in Jesus Christ.

March 13. Pray for the Lord to prosper and bless the college ministry, youth group, and jail ministry at Lafayette, Ind., RPC.

March 14. Pray that the two deacons-elect of Hudson/St. Lazare, Quebec, RPC would faithfully serve Christ and His church.

March 15. Give thanks for the many children in Bloomington, Ind., RPC, and pray that they would all grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

March 16. Pray for increased strength within the families of the Salt & Light (Longmont, Col.) RPC.

March 17. Pray that God would bless Walton, N.Y. RPC’s efforts to become bolder in witnessing to neighbors and inviting them to church.

March 18. Pray for Scott Doherty of Oswego, N.Y., RPC, that God would bless his studies at Westminster Seminary and grant continued health for his family.

March 19. Pray for wisdom for Russell, Ont., RPC in discerning whether they need more elders or deacons and, if so, for the Lord’s guidance in ordaining the right ones.

March 20. Please lift up the military families in Manhattan, Kan., RPC whose husbands and fathers are currently deployed overseas or preparing to be deployed. Pray for safety, comfort, and spiritual encouragement for all. Pray that the congregation would effectively show Christ’s love to these families and to the other families on base.

March 21. Pray that the Lord would continue to comfort the Lafayette, Ind., RP congregation in light of Pastor Dave Long’s death a year ago.

March 22. Pray with Hudson/St. Lazare, Quebec, RPC that those preaching would be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

March 23. Pray for the Bloomington, Ind., RPC pastor as he undergoes treatment for leukemia. Give thanks to God for encouraging signs that the treatment is working.

March 24. Pray for physical and emotional healing for several members of the Salt & Light (Longmont, Col.) RPC.

March 25. Pray that the members of the Walton, N.Y., RPC will continue to care well for each other as many of them face physical challenges from aging.

March 26. Please join Oswego, N.Y., RPC as they pray that God would work through the articles Pastor Kit publishes in the local paper, the Palladium-Times.

March 27. Pray for the Association of Theological Schools’ re-accreditation team as they evaluate the strengths and the weaknesses of the RP Seminary. They will be visiting the RP Seminary this week.

March 28. Please be in prayer for congregations throughout the denomination looking for pastors and for pastors and ministry candidates looking for calls. Pray that they would be open to God’s leading and that God would guide them in His wisdom and grace.

March 29. Please join Ridgefield Park, N.J., RPC in thanking the Lord for recent visitors to their worship services. Several visitors have continued to attend and to show interest in church membership.

March 30. Please join Enid Reformed (Enid, Okla.) RPC in praying for gospel fruit among the townspeople.

March 31. Pray for visitors to come to Messiah’s Church (Clay, N.Y.) RPC, as well as for conversions among those they’ve ministered to and prayed for.