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Dogs of the Bible

Unlike most dogs in North America, which are cared for as pets, most of the dogs in the Bible were wild and despised creatures.

  —Rebecca Byers | Columns, Kids Page | November 02, 2015

Dogs are mentioned over 20 times in the Bible! Unlike most dogs in North America, which are cared for as pets, most of the dogs in the Bible were wild and despised creatures. Read the verses below, and find out why biblical dogs were BAD!

1. Is comparison with a dog a compliment or insult? (Philippians 3:2, Revelation 22:15) 2. Who are compared to dogs and their bad habit? (Proverbs 26:11) 3. What did the dogs eat in these prophesies? (1 Kings 14:11,16:4) 4. The dog was one of four kinds of this. (Jeremiah 15:3)


(scroll down for answers)

  1. Becca Byers’ dog is largest.
  2. Danielle Pockras has a herding dog and a breed that runs the Iditarod in Alaska.
  3. Janna Bassette’s dog is black.
  4. Drew & Lynne Gordon have a breed that bears their name.
  5. Ciera Anthony’s dog has strong jaws.

A. Pit Bull
B. Mix
C. Husky & Collie
D. Saint Bernard
E. Gordon Setter

Gross Dog Habits

  • Like the Bible says (Proverbs 26:11), dogs eat their vomit. They might do this because it wasn’t chewed enough or because they ate too quickly the first time.
  • In Luke 16:1, dogs lick Lazarus’ wounds. Dog saliva (spit) has some helpful compounds that fight bacteria and promote healing. But don’t get too excited about dog kisses: their tongues and saliva often carry harmful bacteria, too!

Just Joking

Q. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?

A. Ruff!


  1. saint bernard
  2. husky & collie
  3. mix
  4. gordon setter
  5. pit bull