What the Bible Teaches About Guidance , Peter Bloomfield, Evangelical Press, 2006. Paperback, 208 pp., $13.99. Reviewed by Pastor David Whitla.
One of the most common areas of confusion in the Christian life is that of guidance. This excellent book by Peter Bloomfield attempts to demystify what we often allow to become a mysterious issue in our minds. In 15 brief chapters he covers a remarkable amount of ground, addressing less the specific cases of guidance (“Which school should I attend? Whom shall I marry? Which job offer should I accept?”) and focusing more on what the Bible teaches about guidance in general terms so that we may wisely apply these lessons to our complex lives.
Much of Bloomfield’s task is taken up with clearing the ground of common misconceptions on how God guides His people. On this front, the book is dynamite (in the best sense of the word), but that also means it can prove volatile. The author indulges in a good ...