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Hebron (Clay Center, Kan.) RPC
Steve McMahan was the congregational representative to Synod in June.
A Covenanter Youth retreat was held at Camp Curry June 24-25. Local youths who attended were Emily Graham, Matthew and Amy Dearman, Justin and Kyle Finley, and Jeremiah Hamer. The congregation hosted a bridal shower for Rachel McMahan on July 13, following the monthly family night supper.
On July 24, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary President Jerry O’Neill, his wife, Ann, and Grant Van Leuven, director of development and communications at the Seminary, visited the church. Rev. O’Neill and Mr. Van Leuven spoke during the Sabbath school hour. Rev. O’Neill preached the morning message, entitled, “Pastoral Preparation.”
On July 26, the Geneva College singing group New Song performed at the Evangelical Free Church in Manhattan, Kan. Several members hosted the group.
On Aug. 3, the family night guest speaker, Pat Pierson, spoke about his mission work in Afghanistan. On Aug. 14, Rev. John Tweed supplied preaching while Pastor Graham and his family were on vacation.
College students who attend Kansas State University are Emily Graham, Violet Wright, Shawn Cowley, Kyle and Luke Finley, Jeremiah Hamer, Austin Apple, Hunter Sheaks, Nicole Cote, Nathan Winkley, and Mitch Spade.
On Sept. 11, Fred and Faith Martin showed a slide presentation and talked about their work at the Reformed Presbyterian Home in Pittsburgh, Pa. On Sept. 25, Mike and Robin McMahan talked about their Mission to the World Ministries in Ecuador.
On Oct. 19, Hebron WMF hosted the annual Guest Day at the church. The guest speaker was Maryanne Johnston, who gave her testimony.
On Oct. 23, Rev. Robert McFarland, Midwest Presbytery regional missionary, and his wife, Georgia, visited. Rev. McFarland preached the morning worship service and showed a slide presentation of RP churches across the Midwest in the afternoon.
Several members of Hebron RPC are regularly attending and assisting with worship services on Sabbath evenings in Manhattan, Kan. Pastor Graham has been preaching a series of messages on the regulative principle of worship.
On Nov. 12-13, Rev. John Tweed, communion assistant, preached at Hebron RPC. On Sabbath evening, he ministered to the Manhattan Bible study group. Rev. Tweed answered questions on church planting and on distinctive doctrines.
Richard and Vickie Baybutt and Mike and Jean Stewart regularly host 30 to 40 people in their homes on Sabbath evenings. The core group consists of two families and eight to ten college students. Additionally, there are three broadly Reformed families who attend. The congregation prays the Lord would bring more families committed to planting a Reformed Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.
—Mae Henderson,correspondent
Ridgefield Park, N.J., RPC
On Oct. 22, the Atlantic Presbytery met at the Ridgefield Park RPC building. Two students in the congregation, Jim Pellegrini and Chris Bogosh, took three exams and did very well.
“China Day” at the church was remembered on Oct. 23 by taking a collection for this worthy missionary cause.
On Oct. 30, the congregation welcomed Heather Huizing, missionary to Sudan. She spoke on the work in Sudan after a fellowship luncheon.
On Nov. 5-6, the congregation prepared for communion. Pastor Brad Johnston, from Walton, N.Y., RPC, assisted with communion and preached on Nov. 6. He was accompanied by his wife, Sue, and their two children.
On Nov. 20, the Women’s Missionary Guild met after the morning service. The congregation also joined with the Coldenham-Newburgh RPC for a psalm sing in the afternoon.
On Nov. 23, the congregation joined the Grace OP Church for a Thanksgiving service with Pastor Ken Campbell preaching.
—Joan Hammond, correspondent
Lisbon, N.Y., RPC
The 165th anniversary of the church was celebrated on Sept. 23, with Rev. Harold Harrington as speaker. An anniversary cookbook, Recipes to Remember, was commissioned by the Women’s Missionary Fellowship.
A thankoffering dinner was held in October with speakers Laura Bond and Matt Filbert.
A Reformation Day celebration was held with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, highlighting the life of John Calvin.
Mark and Cathy Rusgrove and Dan Sweeney recently joined the congregation.
The Rockhills entertained the congregation at an open house on Dec. 2.
A new furnace has been installed in the manse, and extensive improvements were made to the porch. At the church building, some new windows and siding were installed.
—Shirley Smith, correspondent
Syracuse, N.Y., RPC
Several fellowship and outreach opportunities were enjoyed by the congregation this past fall and holiday season. A Thanksgiving Day service was held at the church with Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Central Baptist Church, and Trinity Fellowship. In early December, the 10- to 13-year-olds of the congregation transformed the fellowship hall into “La Cucina Salina” and provided a wonderful candlelit Italian dinner for the adults. Later in the month, an evening of “All This Reveling” was held at the church with Scripture readings, psalm and carol singing, and choral music performed by the congregation’s ensemble and the local homeschoolers’ chorus. Donna Trexler organized a children’s Christmas party on Dec. 23. Afterward, adults and children went caroling, and cookies decorated by the children were distributed in the church neighborhood. The Scheps then opened up their home for an evening of fun, fellowship, and food.
Pastor Schep has been preaching a series of sermons on the songs of ascent.
Robyn Zorn is the Sabbath school superintendent, with over 30 students attending weekly classes. Chris Huggins is the new youth director since Nicora Manwaring retired after more than a decade of faithful ministry. Pastor Kiernan Stringer was the speaker at the fall youth retreat. Alvaro Robles and Matthew Trexler meet regularly with the teen boys and their dads for various recreational activities.
There is a well-attended monthly book club at the Scheps’ home. Sabbath evening gatherings have been held in the homes of Bruce and Donna Trexler and Jeff and Joyce Bulow. Every other week, the discussion group Koinonia meets at the home of Dean Rounds. There are also several ongoing Bible studies: a weekly women’s group meets at the church; students and staff gather weekly for Oasis on the Syracuse University campus; Wednesday “Happy Hour” Bible study is hosted by Gene and Gail Huggins; and a biweekly Bible study for the teens is held in the members’ homes.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1).
—Nancy Keeley, correspondent
Washington, Iowa, RPC
The congregation held its annual meeting to elect officers and set a preliminary budget for 2006. Officers elected were: Greg Skubal, chairman; Don Wilson, vice chairman; Karen Todd, secretary; Dorcas Jarrard, treasurer; Lana Todd, music chairperson; and Rob Jarrard, statistician. William Colhouer was elected to join the trustees for a term through 2008.
Pastor Monger has been preaching through Genesis on Sabbath mornings and leading an evening Bible study through Proverbs.
The congregation has a fellowship meal after the morning worship followed by an afternoon devotional in lieu of the evening Bible study during the winter months. This schedule enables those who travel quite a distance to make only one trip in case of bad weather.
The congregation has been encouraged by a number of visitors attending church. Some are unchurched, some seeking a church home, and some looking for Reformed teaching in their travels. Pioneer Club continues to be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays, September through May, with a large percentage of children attending from outside the congregation.
The Women’s Missionary Fellowship meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month. During the summer and fall meetings and on some special work days, quilts and other crafts were made and sent to the RP Home for their benefit auction. The December meeting included the revelation of “Secret Sisters” and the conclusion of the study on the fruit of the Spirit.
The Lord’s supper is observed every other month, preceded by a men’s prayer breakfast on Saturday morning. According to the men in attendance, Pastor Monger is an excellent cook.
—Nancy Skubal, correspondent