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Westminster, Colo., RPC
The congregation continues its pastoral search. Over 30 different pastors have come to preach since Pastor Bob Hemphill resigned nearly two years ago to begin a church plant in Laramie, Wyo. Members continue to travel frequently to support the new work in Laramie.
Paul Welander, John Greene and Bill Kilgore were elected deacons on Feb. 10, 2008. For the second summer in a row, many members participated in a “Dinner for Six” program, in which participating members were randomly assigned to groups of approximately six people each. These groups got together for dinner with each other three times over the course of the summer. Several members also help host hospitality dinners —each Sunday, two participating families are responsible for inviting any visitors to lunch. The families have lunch together whether or not any visitors join in.
Last March the congregation hosted 20 Geneva students on a ski trip and retreat led by Titus Martin over spring break.
Members Patrick and Danielle Stefan renewed their marriage vows July 12. In August, they moved to Glen Burnie, Md., where Patrick is attending Reformed Theological Seminary under care of the Midwest Presbytery. Patrick, Danielle and son Luke are worshiping at Trinity RPC.
Nantes, France, RPC
The Nantes RPC, a mission work of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, praises God for the enthusiasm of the children who faithfully attend The Club every Wednesday morning. Pray that each one may be given the gift of faith in Christ at an early age and that they may always treasure God’s Word and put it into practice.
The congregation is also thankful for the teenagers who come regularly to the fortnightly Friday evening youth group and for the fact that they ask lots of questions. Praise God for the recent warm personal witness of Melanie McFarland to them as she answered questions about her faith. Pray for these young folks as they think things through. Pray too that the Holy Spirit may be at work in the lives of the three or four who can’t come regularly.
The congregation first had contact with Madame Sepala 15 years ago after she responded to the newsletter Réflexions by requesting a gospel calendar. Last month she asked if we still have our meetings in the same place and expressed an interest in coming either on the Lord’s Day or on a Tuesday evening. As new habits don’t always come easily, pray that this one will! Pray too for her husband and their two grown children.
As gospel calendars are once more distributed, pray for meaningful conversations and deepening relationships with people. Pray that in the coming year the daily readings may exercise a strong influence in many lives, motivating them to read the Bible and seek to know Christ in a personal way.
Several neighbors have retired in the past year. Pray that many fundamental questions about life and death may come to their minds. Pray that we may be given openings to talk to them about spiritual matters.
In the busyness of life, pray that the Lord may constantly give the congregation wisdom as to what priorities should be and give enabling grace for them all. One desire for the coming year is to give more time to the men in the fellowship group. Pray that it may be possible to meet on a regular basis to study and pray together.
As the brochures for the 2009 Colloque Biblique Francophone (week after Easter, near Lyons) go out, pray that many will plan to go along.