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Around the Church July 2024

Orlando, Fla., RPC

Nathan Eshelman, pastor

On Apr. 12 in the fellowship hall, an early celebration was held for 20-year-old Philip Knutson, who graduated from home school in May. Approximately 60 people were in attendance for the fun and fellowship.

A new members class has been organized for those who wish to join the congregation.

Pastor Eshelman is currently teaching the adult Sunday school class with an in-depth study on the history of the Christian church as a whole and the Reformed Presbyterian Church in particular.

Thanks to 2024’s Walk for Life, the CHOICES Women’s Clinic will garner close to $500,000 in their efforts to fight abortion. A special friend of Vanessa Le challenged our church with her promise to double what our congregation accumulated in pledges and financial giving, resulting in a tripling of the donation.

—Louise Turmenne, correspondent