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A Long-Term Commitment to Caring

Continuing a loving legacy, even amidst increasing outside pressures

   | Features, Agency Features, RP Home | November 01, 2010

“There should be no poor among you. For in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, He will richly bless you” (Deut. 15:4).

No one is poor at the Reformed Presbyterian Home. In fact, it is better than that. Everyone is rich at the RP Home. Everyone has food, clothing, shelter and care in abundance. They also have the comfort of knowing these blessings are not tied to their ability to pay. They have them because they belong to a church that long ago made provision for its members’ old age.

Early in the 1890s, a member of the Wilkinsburg Reformed Presbyterian Church lost her hand. Unable to work and therefore unable to support herself, she applied to the United Presbyterian Home in Wilkinsburg, but was refused admission because she was not a member of that denomination. Her plight came to the attention of the women of her congregation and served as a catalyst for action.

The women of Wilkinsburg RPC petitioned the Synod to ...