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8th Annual Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference

Springs (Colorado Springs, Colo.) RPC hosts a conference with C.J. William speaking on marks of the true church.

   | News, Congregational News | February 29, 2016

Dr. C.J. Williams was the conference speaker.
A candid photo of the crowd after a session.
Pastors who participated in the NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed) service: Anthony Phelps, Jason Ryce, Alex Tabaka, C.J. Williams, Matt Holst, David Reese.

The 8th annual Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference was held on Oct. 30-31 and sponsored by Springs RPC, located in downtown Colorado Springs, Colo. The conference theme was “Old Testament Reformers: Rediscovering the Marks of a True Church.” The speaker for the conference was Dr. C.J. Williams, Professor of Old Testament Studies at the RP Seminary and associate pastor at Providence RPC in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dr. Williams explained in his lectures that the Reformation in the 16th Century wasn’t the first reformation. He brought forward that reformation had taken place in Old Testament times as well. The 16th Century reformers shared common goals with Old Testament reformers— Hezekiah, Josiah, and Asa—in seeing a need to return to biblical doctrines and practices that had been lost, such as the proper worship of God and the importance of God’s Word, the sacraments, and church discipline. Dr. Williams stressed the importance of holding true to these in the church today.

There was a time for refreshments and fellowship each evening hosted by Springs RPC and organized by its social committee. The youth attending the conference had the opportunity to meet one evening with Dr. Williams for a question and answer session.

In conjunction with the Reformation Day Conference, the 8th annual Joint NAPARC Reformation Day Service was held on Sunday evening, Nov. 1 at Springs RP Church. Dr. Williams preached, and men from area NAPARC churches participated in leading the service, including David Reese (RPCNA), Alex Tabaka (RPCNA), Anthony Phelps (URCNA), and Matthew Holst (PCA). The service was well attended, and refreshments and a time for fellowship followed.

Plans for the 9th Annual Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference are already underway, with Dr. Dennis Johnson as the speaker. Dr. Johnson teaches at Westminster Seminary in California and is the associate pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Escondido, Calif. He has preached and taught in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Dates and times have yet to be finalized.

—Karol Whitlow, correspondent