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No Night There: The Experience of Heaven

Gordon J. Keddie | July 01, 2002


What will heaven be like? We have seen already seen something of what we called “the geography of glory”—what heaven will look like (Rev. ...

Baptism Points Us to Heaven

Dennis J. Prutow | July 01, 2002

Learn & Live 

Worship is an approach to and entrance into heaven and God’s special, gracious presence. Just as God regulates entrance into heaven, He also ...

How Did the Turtle Get There?

Laura Zimmovan | July 01, 2002

Youth Witness 

On Mar. 1–3, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pa., had some unusual guests. Around 50 youth from Presbytery of the ...

A Status Quo Synod?

July 01, 2002

News /  Denominational News 

Many weighty issues were brought to the 2002 Synod, and delegates labored long hours to complete the docket. Despite many official challenges, very ...

Photos We Didn’t Snap at Synod

Drew Gordon | July 01, 2002


While I am no photographer, I do try to think like one. To capture photos that are of decent quality, I rely on a good digital camera to overcome my ...

Around the Church June 2002

June 10, 2002

News /  Congregational News 

Synod of Greek Evangelical Church in Cyprus Holds Historic Meeting A quarter of a century ago, the last RPCNA missionaries left Cyprus. They said ...

A Good Hiding Place

June 10, 2002

Kids Page 

Don’t you love to find a good hiding place? There is a house in Holland with a place you could hide and never be found! The house is very old. ...

No More Sea: The Geography of Glory

Gordon J. Keddie | June 03, 2002

What is heaven like? In cartoons and TV ads, it is usually a very old and ethereal place. If it has any land, it looks a bit like the North Pole—all ...

A Soldier’s Calling

Stan Copeland | June 03, 2002

Theme Articles 

You’re one sick puppy. How did you become a Covenanter pastor?” The tired old stewardess opened the decrepit airliner’s cabin door. ...

Memories of War

Drew Gordon | June 03, 2002


I remember playing on the rug as Walter Cronkite or some other newscaster droned through the daily casualty report: 13 killed and 35 wounded today…9 ...

Getting There is Almost Half the Fun

Lynne H. Gordon | June 03, 2002

Now that all my kids are past the preschool years, they no longer ask, “Are we there yet?” nor do they cry uncontrollably to get out of ...

Ministering to Cush

Vince Ward | June 03, 2002

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

“Cush will submit to God” (Ps. 68:31). The ancient people of Cush (Kush), at times called Ethiopia, once stretched out their hands in worship ...

A Tale of Two Camps

Hannah Ray | June 03, 2002

Youth Witness 

Wheeler Mission is an inner-city mission in Indianapolis, Ind. Every summer the mission holds camps 45 minutes south of Indianapolis, at Camp Hunt, ...

Participating in Communion

Dennis J. Prutow | June 03, 2002

Learn & Live 

In past columns, we’ve discussed the fact that God’s people assembled for worship are a piece of heaven. As a worshiping assembly, we are ...

As the Gate Swings

Lynne H. Gordon | June 03, 2002

With the increase in summer activity, my father decided that his two-year-old grandson needed a gate to enclose the backyard deck. The deck was a ...

The Difference One Christian Made

Russell B. Pulliam | May 27, 2002


With lawsuits coming through the courts to seek reparations for slavery, the story of William Wilberforce ought to take on new interest for Americans. ...

The Reformation Grows

May 27, 2002

Kids Page 

Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed as she listened. “A minister from Wittenberg…celebrating Communion in the castle chapel…three ...

Our Huguenot Heritage

R. Andrew Myers | May 20, 2002

As a young man, I spent several years studying French in high school. By God’s grace, soon after my conversion to Christ at a college in North ...

We Have a Building from God

Gordon J. Keddie | May 20, 2002

One of the most searching challenges in the Bible is undoubtedly Solomon’s charge to young people in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. He ...

Other-Worldly Worship

Dennis J. Prutow | May 20, 2002

Learn & Live 

As you assemble for worship as a corporate body, you are “a holy temple in the Lord” (Eph. 2:21). You “are being built together into ...