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Synod Day 3: Hard Work and Good News

Drew Gordon | June 14, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

In the final joint session of these concurrent synods, Pastor Shawn Anderson (Sycamore [Kokomo, Ind.] RPC) preached on John 17:1-5 and the manner of ...

Synod Day 2: Of Committees and Workshops

Drew Gordon | June 12, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The RPCNA Synod began its day with a joint worship service with the ARP Synod. Pastor Gabriel Fluhrer (First ARP, Columbia, S.C.) spoke on the text, ...

Synod Day 1: “Beside the Beaver Vale”

Drew Gordon | June 11, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

At 8:40 a.m. retiring moderator (and recently retired pastor) Bruce Martin dropped the gavel on the 188th Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of ...

Pre-Synod Conference on Psalmody

Drew Gordon | June 10, 2019

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

On the eve of the concurrent synods of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, ...