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Sycamore RPC

March/April 2018 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

Though we began as a Bible study involving three families in the Kokomo area in 1983, the Lord patiently and intentionally built His church one stone ...

Book Reviews

Kyle Borg | March/April 2018 Issue


One of my goals every year is to read a few biographies. That is because biographies captivate us. Many of us as adults have been introduced to ...

Setting the Record Straight

Nathaniel Pockras | March/April 2018 Issue

News /  Denominational News 

When 13 ministers and 3 ruling elders opened the Synod of 1821, the RPCNA was a good deal smaller than it is today. There were 42 congregations in 5 ...

An Overflowing Blessing

Joseph Friedly | March/April 2018 Issue


I don’t have a remarkable testimony. Mine is not a story that amazes. It is, however, a story of God’s grace. And God’s grace is always amazing! ...

Why Geneva? Why Now?

Dr. Calvin L. Troup | March/April 2018 Issue

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

At a presbytery family conference last summer, my family enjoyed a meal with friends who are parents of school-age children. As the meal was wrapping ...

My Field of Thorns

Drew Gordon | March/April 2018 Issue


Bill Edgar’s article focusing on teaching life-giving truths to our children reminded me how much I’ve learned from the book of Proverbs, even as ...