Forbidden Meal
Jordan Cravens | November 02, 2015
The fruit tempting sits The Serpent deceptive comes And the bite fatal.
Diane Gaskins | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: Careful treatment of the biblical concept of father. Meadows of Mercy, Rest of my mind, alleys of anguish are all I can ...
A Sestina: My Dad’s Beard
Eleni Blackwood | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: Accomplished treatment of a difficult verse form. Everyone has a father, But I’m sure the relationship is different for ...
The Voyage of the Bumblebee
Audrey McMahan | November 02, 2015
Judge’s Comments: Great characters, fun details, clever story! Some spots cram in too many plot points due to word count limits. Generally, though, ...
The Seed of Sycamore
November 02, 2015
Marion RPC Location: Marion, Ind. Presbytery: Great Lakes-Gulf Organization: 2015 Pastor: Jason Camery Web site: The history of ...
The Doctor’s Daughter
Susannah Gorden | November 02, 2015
Judge’s comments: Well written, poignant, well paced. The details are nice, lovely. As a vignette, this works beautifully, although the story lover ...
Andrew Schep | November 02, 2015
Judge’s comments: Fine treatment of the biblical account. In the prosperity of words, you ask for certainty; all I’ve got is what I heard from ...
The Wind Continues
Kathryn Stegall | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: I commend you on this difficult treatment of the OT verse. Time spent at that or this remains a hollow cry ...
The Christian Crutch
Henry Patterson | November 02, 2015
Judge’s comments: Short, pithy, clever. It keeps close to its lovely metaphor throughout…until the end when the metaphor is suddenly dropped in ...
Sermon Notes for Psalm 8
Andrew Schep | November 02, 2015
< p>Judge’s comments: Best free verse entry; particularly strong concluding envoy. My computer glows with the claim of a science teacher: that ...
REmaker Work Conference
Mark Sampson | November 02, 2015
When you live in an older house, there tend to be a lot of things that go wrong. When that house is a large mansion built in the late 1800s, this is ...
Pray for Revival
Kit Swartz | November 02, 2015
Psalm 126 Psalm Category: Song of Ascents Central Thought: The Lord will certainly send revival Key Words: turning, sorrow, joy Psalm 126 is the ...
One Step Forward to Follow the Call
Hao Lu | November 02, 2015
I was born and raised in China, and I was trained, as most Chinese children of the time, to be an atheist. This training successfully kept me from any ...
Nicole & the Dust Bunny
Virginia McBurney | November 02, 2015
It was dark under the bed, and quiet, except for little sneezes. They had trouble breathing in the growing crowd. More and more dust bunnies were ...
Jeroboam’s Political Legacy
Dennis J. Prutow | November 02, 2015
There is a growing divide between the so-called political class and the people. The former pays lip service to biblical Christianity while exalting ...
How Does Excellence Happen?
Drew Gordon | November 02, 2015
When I saw news photos of the small inland city of Columbia, S.C., floating on two feet of rainfall, it evoked memories. As a 12-year-old I ...
From the Mountaintop
Michaela Williams | November 02, 2015
The Theological Foundations Backpacking (TFB) trip is a once-in-a-lifetime, I-will-remember-this-for-as-long-as-I-live experience. You may have seen ...