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Why Should the Work Cease?

Gordon Keddie | March 06, 2015

Theme Articles 

It is very easy, at the best of times, to become “weary in well-doing” (Gal. 6:9). Physical tiredness alone can do this, but spiritual ...

The Joy of the Church

Kit Swartz | March 06, 2015

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 122 Psalm Category: Song of Ascents Central Thought: I love to go to church! Key Words: the house of the Lord, Jerusalem, peace A Song of ...

Sowing, Watering, Ministering

March 06, 2015

Congregation of the Month 

Okamoto Keiyaku RP Church Location: Okamoto, Kobe, Japan Presbytery: Japan Organization Date: 1975 Membership: 23 communicant; 22 ...

Serving Christ in a Visual World

Karen Reyburn | March 06, 2015


As a photographer and a Christian, I see things differently. When I go for a walk, I take note of how the glowing sky combines colors. When someone ...

RP Witness Detective Club: What is my soul?

Rebecca Byers | March 06, 2015

Kids Page 

SPECIAL NOTICE: Are you an artist? Can you draw or paint or make crafts? Then submit your artwork to the 2015 Kid’s Art Contest! Ask a grownup to ...

Persecution Is Complicated

Drew Gordon | March 06, 2015


Persecution can be hard to identify. The severe forms of it may be crystal clear, especially outside the West where some believers suffer physical ...

The Opposition of the Day

Rebecca Byers | March 06, 2015

Seven Supreme Court Cases to Know Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2015) – 5-4 decision on healthcare ruled that the government cannot require faith-based ...

My Comfort in Affliction

Amanda Slikker | March 06, 2015


Nine years ago I was playing rugby as a freshman at the U.S. Naval Academy. I leaned over a girl I had just tackled and she stood suddenly, driving at ...

Meet the Home Mission Board

Nathan Eshelman | March 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

STEVE BRADLEY grew up in Southern California and came to faith at age six through the ministry of Calvary Baptist Church.  In his early twenties, he ...

Mann-ing the Geneva Connections

Holly Vizino | March 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Far from her hometown of Colorado Springs, junior Heidi Mann is blossoming under the support of church and extended family at Geneva College. Growing ...

God’s Freedom of Choice

Dennis J. Prutow | March 06, 2015

Learn & Live 

You probably believe in the freedom of choice. Good! But we have a problem when we choose, and the problem is our very bad attitudes. Genesis 6:5 ...

A Girl Born Facing Outside

Jeanette Li, transl. by Rose Huston | March 06, 2015

Theme Articles 

The second edition of Jeanette Li was recently published by Crown & Covenant Publications. What follows are excerpts from that book (with chapter ...