The Scope of God’s Glory
April 09, 2003
Psalm Category: Hymn of Praise Key Word: Man (enosh). There are several words in Hebrew that are translated “man.” The most familiar is adam ...
April 09, 2003
Psalm Category: Hymn of Praise Key Word: Man (enosh). There are several words in Hebrew that are translated “man.” The most familiar is adam ...
March 3. Ask for Lafayette, Ind., RPC’s zeal for Christ to grow in all areas of life: that they would see their own sin and repent, that they would love each other as themselves, and that they would know the Lord better every day.
Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. Presbytery: Midwest Organization: 1981 Membership: 101 communicant; 56 baptized Pastor: Ed Blackwood Website: ...
This article is an excerpt from chapter 5 of God Breathed: Connecting through Scripture to God, Others, the Natural World, and Yourself. I will never ...
In the early years of the Witness, it was published weekly, and correspondents reported many small events in their congregations. Here are some news ...
Empowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church Dr. Alan D. Strange | Crossway, 2024, 149 pages, $17.99 | Reviewed by ...