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In Memoriam: Robert E. Shook

   | News, Congregational News | August 01, 2010

In Memoriam


Robert E. Shook served as a deacon in the Bloomington, Ind., Reformed Presbyterian Church. Born in Bloomington on Sept. 1, 1929, Bob joined the RP Church in Oct. 1960 and was ordained a deacon in the congregation on Oct. 13, 1963. He served in that capacity until his resignation on Dec. 31, 1995, serving most of that time as chairman of the deacon board.

The session deeply appreciates the many years of faithful and diligent service that Bob rendered to the congregation. Besides the routine activities of maintaining the church, a number of significant projects were completed under his leadership, including the building of a parsonage, the modernizing of the church building, and the beautifying of the grounds.

The session also recognizes the number of informal diaconal activities in which Bob was involved. These activities included personal gifts of food and money, caring for elderly family members, helping people move in and out, and serving on the ministry team. The spiritual gifts of mercy and service that Bob demonstrated made him well suited to serve as a deacon.

Bob died on Jan. 10, 2010. He is survived by his wife Joy. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Bill Roberts, and burial was in the Covenanter Cemetery in Bloomington, Ind.

Bloomington, Ind., RPC